Here I am again. People have recently been commenting on my improved mobility, with some even saying that I am looking well.

I have had a tremendous week of praying at a ‘prayer retreat’ in the Cotswold that was established by an 80 year old lady. We started with prayers every morning at 6 o’clock and the remainder of the day was packed with activities. The prayers, breathing fresh air and being with like-minded people have given me a new lease of life. I feel ready to ‘take on a mountain’, even though my arms and legs are still quite weak which at times makes me a little emotional, so this month I am focussing on strengthening the muscles in my arms and legs.

I will be attending the GYM programme, which is a Christian cognitive approach to managing the mind where I will learn to lay down a healthy network through medicating using the word and art plus other activities. By meditating I am laying down positive networks which will determine my behaviour and be stored as memory. In laying down networks to strengthen my arms and legs I will need energy also protein to build new muscles as well as water, so will need to be careful about my diet. It will be balanced with enough protein to support muscle growth. I will eat regularly to ensure I get enough protein rather than having two or three large meals during the day as I don’t eat meat. To help keep my protein intake high, one or two of those meals will be a protein shake. I will also drink two litres of water every day and will be doing exercises in between visits to a physiotherapist.

Mind and body will be given equal attention to encourage balanced training, growth and flexibility.